To see the world is a lust for the eyes. To meet people is a lust for the heart.
Our story
When she walked into my life I knew; this is the girl I will spend the rest of my life with. Little did I realise that she didn’t share my feelings then, or that ‘getting the girl’ in the end meant we’d spend a lifetime traveling the world. I was just a small town boy. She was an explorer.
We met when I interviewed Ellis for an unexciting job in an unexciting town. I hired her on the spot. She declined and I panicked, how was I going to meet the girl that had already stolen my heart? I asked her—some would call it begging— to at least try the job. When I remember it now it’s all very funny. It wasn’t funny then, until she accepted.
We worked together, hung out together, laughed and talked together. My heart jumped out of my chest every time I saw her. Her heart didn’t go anywhere. I kissed her and she asked me to stop. I said I didn’t know if I could. Can’t we just be friends, she asked. No, I said. That’s when she found out she started to have feelings for me.

Two and a half years later we were married. I asked her out of the blue, when we were traveling Portugal. Didn’t even have a ring, so I made one from an aluminium pastel de nata cup. The words trembled over my lips, that’s how scared I was. She asked if I was kidding. I wasn’t, not even a little. When she finally said ‘yes’ I found out what it means when people say they feel like the happiest person in the world. I felt that then.
Ellis had always wanted to travel the world on our honeymoon. I didn’t ever think about it. What I knew is that I had no money and a lot of worries. We devised a plan to travel the world and trade our talents for food and shelter. Let’s leave behind every country we visit a little better than we found it.
Now we’re making our way across the globe and we’re so happy you are here. If you ever have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’d love to hear your story.
Let us tell you a little more about ourselves:

The pen is mightier than the sword, or in this case: a great way to get to see Ellis through my eyes. For because I am the writer, I get to show you what I see when I look to the woman I’m so overwhelmingly proud to call my wife.
For me, Ellis is desire. Desire to see the world in a different light, get to know people in another way, and a hunger for discovery. To discover, not that which is unknown, but more that which is hardly seen. Where other people observe, Ellis sees. While I see the ground, she sees the stars.
I think she is one of a kind, though she would never say so herself. I’d say she’s amazing, she would say she’s still learning. I’d say “should we?” She says: “Let’s go!”

So, who is this ‘me’ person you keep reading about? Well, I’m your humble narrator for this journey. As Ellis is traveling the world with her eyes towards the heavens, excited and full of desire for more, I have my eyes on the ground, seeing what can go wrong.
For me, this honeymoon is about discovery. To discover countries, cultures, and people, sure. Yet more, in a sense, it’s about discovering more about my own desires, goals, and dreams. It’s about learning to stop worrying and to love the excitement of the unknown.
So come with me to see the world, but also to look inside and find what makes a person tick.
It’s going to be one heck of a journey.