Read our journal

Stories of the places we see and the people we meet.

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Journal entries

Why I’m Not Publishing Anything

Why I’m Not Publishing Anything

If you’re clicking around this website you might find there isn’t a lot to read here — you’re right. It’s because I’m afraid of you and it’s high time that stops.

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The Biggest Smile We’ve Ever Seen

The Biggest Smile We’ve Ever Seen

I stand waiting near the bathroom. It’s not the bathroom I’m waiting for, I don’t even think they’re occupied. I’m waiting for Nick. Standing near the bathroom doesn’t make it look like I’m waiting for Nick. If people knew, they might force me to talk with him, and...

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Imsouane Is A Little Slice of Paradise

Imsouane Is A Little Slice of Paradise

Hey you, Let's start of with a picture of this place to get you going. Ellis watching the surfers (there are many) And this was our guest house. We were right on top of the sea, and when it was high tide, the place was packed with surfers fighting for a wave. As you...

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Thank God for Climate Change

Thank God for Climate Change

We're kidding. We're kidding. We aren't actually glad that climate change exists. Don't hate us. We aren't thrilled that the earth is warming at an alarming pace. Or, are we? No. We can't be happy that the summers are growing longer and the days are getting hotter....

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Tallinn Nights, Better Days

Tallinn Nights, Better Days

There are two guys with us here on this stand facing the beach. I say beach but don’t picture miles and miles of sand being washed over by soothing waves. It’s not like that. It’s a small strip of sand in the middle of Tallinn. But it’s nice. The two guys, they’re...

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Thank Tourists for the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Thank Tourists for the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

I wake up early here. Normally it’s because the light is better. It makes photographs come alive. Now it’s because of a different reason as well: tourists. And yes, we’re tourists here too, and yes I’m also taking pictures. But you’ve got to have been to Tallinn’s old...

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About us

Hello there! We are Ellis and Martijn and we’re traveling the world on our never-ending honeymoon. To keep ourselves busy we help charities for free and write about it on this website. Feel free to look around.

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